It’s an unfortunate statistic that more than 85% of New Zealanders will retire completely reliant on the Government for their pension and healthcare.

That’s particularly scary when the Government aren’t going to be able to sustain the funding of retirees for much longer. Something will have to ‘give’ eventually. It’s a mathematical impossibility that the Government will be able to sustain the pension in the way that they are now.

So – what will the Government do? Put the retirement age up? Drop the amount of the pension even lower than it is at the moment (and let’s face it, who can live on that!!?!)? Make it practically impossible to receive?

If you’re not planning for your retirement now, chances are, there won’t be a pension when you retire. Well – at least not like it is in its current form.

YOU need to take the bull by the horns and set in place a plan to build a nest-egg to help fund your retirement. Whether that be by means of residential investment property, KiwiSaver, Managed Funds, or a combination of all three – You MUST do something.

We’re dedicated to getting people out of that terribly large percentage and into the small minority of those that are planning to fund their retirement.

Click here to:″>Contact us now!

Or call us on 0508 Goodlife

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