An adviser you trust can play an essential role in helping you make sound real estate investments – especially if it is your first time.
Plan your real estate investment carefully
Don’t jump straight into a real estate investment without doing your homework – a little preparation and expert advice goes a long way.
What do rising property values mean for rental income?
The right real estate investment advice can help you make the most of your rental yields – especially in the face of rising property values.
How will rising real estate prices affect my investment?
If you are thinking about investing in New Zealand real estate, make sure that you get advice from a trusted professional.
What are my obligations as a landlord?
When you decide to make a real estate investment, you also take on the responsibility of becoming a landlord.
How do you choose an investment property?
Choosing an investment property is a lot different than selecting a house to live in – and with your hard-earned dollars at stake, you want to make a wise decision.
Auckland rating valuations jump 33 per cent over 3 years
New property revaluation figures for Auckland show an average increase of 33 per cent over the three years from July 1, 2011 to 2014.
Creating a property investment plan
Buying your first investment property in New Zealand is a pretty big ordeal, so it’s understandable that you might feel a bit overwhelmed at first.
What are my responsibilities as a property investor?
Before you commit to your first real estate investment, it is important to have a good understanding of what your obligations will be.
Real estate is a long-term investment
When investing in real estate, a long-term approach is essential, especially as the market can fluctuate from month to month.
Market rent figures make interesting reading for investors
Updated rental figures can give investors an important insight into how much rental income they can expect to earn from their property.
NZ real estate market “in winter mode”
A dip in activity in the New Zealand real estate market is likely due to the cooler weather, as winter tends to be a slower season for buyers.