Make the most out of your Kiwisaver
If you’ve got a Kiwisaver account, you want to make sure that the fund you’re in is making you the highest return possible, is aligned to your age, and protects you when markets fall.
The sad reality is that not all KiwiSaver schemes were set-up to cope in a crisis. In fact, most have never experienced a market downturn.
After the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 Goodlife Financial Advice closely reviewed the 40+ KiwiSaver providers – specifically those who could manage funds effectively in a crisis.
We found a provider with a KiwiSaver Scheme that was established with an objective of protecting against the next inevitable crisis while providing the ability to fully benefit from the recovery.
We partnered with NZ Funds. Their strategy is to invest KiwiSaver funds in a way that mitigates them from the hard hits of an economic crisis. They have been around for over 30 years and are far more experienced in managing the downside through their shared history.
Explaining LifeCycle KiwiSaver
Invest with confidence
NZ Funds Kiwisaver Scheme
What fund should I be in?
More often than not we come across people who are in the wrong type of fund. Younger investors who are in conservative funds and older investors in more growth-oriented funds.
It’s really important that you’re in the right kind of fund to maximise and protect your returns. One that rebalances as you age.
How can I make my Kiwisaver go further?
If you want to make even more savings but you don’t want them to be locked in – find out about our Wealthbuilder.